This mission will study the heliosphere, which is the bubble of particles and magnetic fields that surrounds the solar system. IMAP will help scientists better understand how particles from the sun interact with those from interstellar space, providing valuable insights into the dynamics of our solar system.
Another exciting mission is the Solar Orbiter, a joint project between NASA and the European Space Agency. This spacecraft will study the sun up close, providing detailed images of its surface and magnetic fields. Solar Orbiter will also fly closer to the sun than any previous mission, giving scientists unprecedented access to the star’s poles.
In addition to these space-based missions, there are also several ground-based projects that are advancing our understanding of the sun. One such project is the next generation of the ground-based array that observes the sun constantly. This array uses helioseismology to study the waves that pass through the sun’s interior, allowing scientists to learn more about the structure and behavior of our host star.
Overall, 2025 is shaping up to be a groundbreaking year for heliophysics. With a combination of new missions, ongoing research, and important reports guiding the field’s priorities, scientists are poised to make significant discoveries about the sun and its impact on the solar system. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of our closest star, we gain valuable insights into the fundamental processes that drive life on Earth. Scientists are gearing up for a series of missions that will revolutionize our understanding of the sun and its impact on our solar system. One of the most exciting missions involves mapping the edge of the heliosphere, where the solar wind drops off and the sun’s magnetism fades. This mission will provide crucial insights into the shape of the heliosphere, which remains a mystery to scientists.
Another upcoming mission, known as PUNCH (Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere), will launch four satellites the size of suitcases to observe the sun 24/7. These satellites will track the sun’s corona as it transforms into the solar wind, shedding light on the processes that drive this phenomenon across the solar system.
In addition, the ESCAPADE (Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers) mission will send a pair of spacecraft to Mars to study how the solar wind interacts with the red planet’s atmosphere. These missions, along with others in the pipeline, promise to make 2022 a groundbreaking year for solar research.
Understanding the sun is not just about scientific curiosity; it also has practical implications. Space weather, driven by solar activity, can impact astronauts in space, damage spacecraft and satellites, and even disrupt power grids on Earth. By better predicting space weather events, scientists hope to protect both human life and infrastructure from the sun’s unpredictable outbursts.
One of the longstanding mysteries surrounding the sun is the temperature disparity between its surface and the corona. While the sun’s visible surface reaches temperatures of nearly 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, the corona can soar to 3.5 million degrees F. Scientists are baffled by this temperature jump and are eager to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic heat source.
As researchers prepare to embark on these groundbreaking missions, the future looks bright for solar science. By shedding light on the sun’s mysteries, we can better understand its influence on our solar system and pave the way for more accurate space weather forecasting. Stay tuned for more exciting discoveries as we delve deeper into the heart of our nearest star. If you want to delve deeper into the fascinating world of heliophysics, be sure to check out Meghan’s recent article for Scientific American. You can find the link in our show notes for easy access.
Heliophysics, the study of the Sun and its effects on the solar system, is a captivating field that continues to reveal new insights into our cosmic neighborhood. From solar flares to the solar wind, heliophysicists are constantly uncovering the mysteries of our closest star.
In this episode of Science Quickly, Meghan Bartels takes us on a journey through the latest developments in heliophysics research. With the help of experts in the field, Meghan explores the impact of solar activity on Earth and other planets, as well as the potential implications for space exploration and our understanding of the universe.
Produced by Rachel Feltman, along with Fonda Mwangi, Kelso Harper, Madison Goldberg, and Jeff DelViscio, Science Quickly delivers cutting-edge science news in a concise and engaging format. Shayna Posses and Aaron Shattuck ensure the accuracy of our content through rigorous fact-checking, while Dominic Smith’s theme music sets the tone for each episode.
For more in-depth science news, be sure to subscribe to Scientific American. With a team of expert journalists and researchers, Scientific American offers unparalleled insights into the latest discoveries and advancements in the world of science.
This is Rachel Feltman signing off for Scientific American. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we’ll continue to explore the wonders of the natural world and beyond.