Black History Month is a time to reflect on the incredible achievements and milestones of Black individuals throughout history. While this celebration takes place in February, it is important to remember that these stories and facts can be shared and celebrated all year round. Here are some fascinating Black History Month facts that can be shared with kids to educate and inspire them:
1. Carter G. Woodson, known as the “Father of Black History,” was the second Black student to graduate from Harvard University with a doctorate degree. His research led to the establishment of Black History Month in 1926, which later became a nationally recognized annual event in 1976.
2. Black History Month is celebrated in February in recognition of the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Lincoln worked to expand the rights of Black Americans during the Civil War, while Douglass, a formerly enslaved man, became a leader in the abolitionist movement.
3. William Tucker was the first Black person born in the 13 colonies in 1624 to indentured servants in Jamestown, Virginia.
4. The first novel published by a Black author was “Clotel: or, The President’s Daughter” by William Wells Brown in 1853.
5. Claudette Colvin was the first Black woman known to refuse to give up her seat on