A horrifying incident unfolded in Harlem on Monday afternoon, as a 7-year-old girl was struck by a stray bullet in a broad daylight shooting. The young girl was walking with her family at the intersection of West 145th Street and Bradhurst Avenue when the incident occurred around 2:50 p.m.
According to authorities and sources, the bullet hit the child in the stomach, causing immediate panic and chaos at the scene. It is believed that the gunfire originated from two young men at the nearby corner, though the girl did not appear to be the intended target.
The injured girl was quickly rushed to Harlem Hospital in a police cruiser, where she was thankfully listed in stable condition. The community was left shaken as school supplies and clothing lay scattered on the sidewalk in the aftermath of the shooting.
Law enforcement officers swiftly responded to the scene, with a shattered store window and a heavy police presence marking the gravity of the situation. Two male teenagers, aged 17 and 19, were taken into custody for weapon possession, though further investigation is underway to determine if they were responsible for the shooting.
As of now, no motive for the shooting has been disclosed, leaving residents and authorities alike searching for answers in the wake of this senseless act of violence. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges and dangers faced by communities, particularly young children, in the midst of escalating gun violence.