SLR Productions’ hit children’s adventure series “Space Nova” is set to return for a highly anticipated second season, consisting of 15 exciting episodes, each running for 24 minutes. With this new season, the total number of episodes will reach 41, promising more thrilling adventures for young viewers around the world. The show is being distributed internationally by ZDF Studios, with the exception of Australia and New Zealand, and is produced by SLR Productions.
The first season of “Space Nova,” which premiered in 2021, garnered a strong following and was picked up by various global platforms including Amazon in the U.K. and Italy, Globosat in Brazil, SVT in Sweden, and HBO in the Pacific region, among others. The series has also received critical acclaim, winning prestigious awards such as the Chicago International Children’s Film Festival, the Australian Writer’s Guild Awards, and the Asian Academy Creative Awards.
“Space Nova” follows the adventures of siblings Jet and Adelaide Nova in the year 2162, as they explore the outer reaches of space with their parents. From hopping rogue planets to surfing solar flares, the Nova siblings embark on daring missions to uncover extraterrestrial mysteries and make new friends along the way.
The upcoming season promises even more excitement as the Novas encounter a new friend, Ziggy, a young Stardustian, who brings a new dimension to their intergalactic adventures. When Ziggy is launched into the farthest reaches of the galaxy, the Novas must rally their allies and embark on a mission to rescue him and restore balance to the universe.
“We are thrilled to bring back ‘Space Nova’ for a second season, offering young audiences a thrilling and imaginative journey through space,” said Arne Lohmann, VP Junior at ZDF Studios. Suzanne Ryan, CEO and executive producer of SLR Productions, added, “The success of the first season has inspired us to create an even more captivating storyline for our young viewers.”
With new challenges, allies, and enemies on the horizon, the Novas must band together with their friends to save Ziggy and prevent a catastrophic event from unfolding. As they navigate through the cosmos, the stakes are higher than ever, testing their courage and friendship in the face of adversity.
“Space Nova” is a one-of-a-kind series that combines heartwarming characters, engaging storytelling, and top-notch animation to create a truly unforgettable viewing experience for children and families alike. Don’t miss the new season of “Space Nova” as the Novas embark on their most daring adventure yet.
Stay tuned for more updates on the release of the second season of “Space Nova,” brought to you by SLR Productions and ZDF Studios.