Miraculous, the popular Paris-set animation franchise, is celebrating its 10th anniversary with some exciting expansions on the horizon. The franchise, created by Thomas Astruc, Nathanaël Bronn, and Jeremy Zag, has already seen tremendous success with five seasons of the TV show, three TV movies, and one feature film titled “Miraculous, The Movie.”
The CEO of Miraculous Corp, Andy Yeatman, has revealed plans for major expansions, including revamped character designs and the introduction of new characters in cities like Tokyo and Rio. The new characters, Lady Dragon and Stellar Force, will bring fresh storylines and superpowers to the franchise.
Yeatman emphasized that the core of the new characters will be relatable teenagers with unique superpowers who use their abilities to help their friends and the world. The franchise will also explore new cities and iconic locations, giving fans a diverse and exciting viewing experience.
In addition to new characters and locations, Miraculous is set to undergo a visual makeover with seasons six and seven being produced using Unreal Engine, a real-time 3D creation tool. This new look will enhance the storytelling and bring a fresh perspective to the beloved characters.
The success of Miraculous can be attributed to its character-driven storytelling, which appeals to a wide range of demographics. Yeatman noted that the show has been popular across various platforms and age groups, making it a unique and enduring franchise.
Furthermore, Miraculous Corp is expanding its licensing business with the appointment of Roz Nowicki as the global head of consumer products. Nowicki brings a wealth of experience in running licensing programs for major brands, signaling the brand’s commitment to growth and innovation.
With a successful consumer products program boasting 400 licensees worldwide and retail sales exceeding $1.5 billion, Miraculous is poised for continued success and expansion. The joint venture between Mediawan and Zag ensures a strong foundation for the franchise’s future endeavors.
As Miraculous enters its next decade, fans can look forward to new characters, exciting storylines, and innovative developments that will continue to captivate audiences around the world. Stay tuned for more updates on this groundbreaking franchise as it continues to evolve and grow in the entertainment industry.