The owners of a beloved pet squirrel named Peanut are in the midst of a heartbreaking battle with government officials in New York. Mark Longo and his wife, Daniela, appeared on “TMZ Live” to share their outrage over what they believe is a grave injustice. They claim that the state has abused its power and wasted taxpayer funds in their efforts to seize and ultimately euthanize Peanut based on anonymous complaints.
According to Mark, officials from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation showed up at their doorstep with a search warrant signed by four state agencies and a judge. The raid on their home was described as aggressive, with Mark feeling like a criminal as his property was searched for Peanut. He was not even allowed to use his own bathroom without supervision during the ordeal.
The situation took a dark turn when Peanut and another pet raccoon were taken away for rabies testing. Tragically, both animals were euthanized as a result. Mark’s wife was reportedly questioned about her immigration status during the search, adding another layer of distress to the already traumatic experience.
Mark expressed his disbelief and sorrow over the loss of Peanut, who had been a source of joy for him and his family for seven years. Peanut had a significant following on Instagram, with over 532,000 followers and a collection of heartwarming and humorous videos that endeared him to many.
While it is technically illegal to have a pet squirrel in New York, Mark insists that Peanut was not kept hidden. The squirrel was a prominent presence on social media, and any concerns about his well-being could have been addressed without resorting to such drastic measures.
Mark’s emotional plea for justice and his poignant memories of Peanut highlight the deep bond between humans and their animal companions. Peanut was not just a pet; he was a cherished member of the family and a vital part of Mark’s nonprofit animal rescue, P’Nuts Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary.
The tragic loss of Peanut serves as a stark reminder of the flaws in our society and the need for compassion and understanding in our interactions with animals. The full interview with Mark and Daniela can be watched on “TMZ Live,” offering a glimpse into their heartbreaking ordeal and the enduring impact of Peanut’s legacy.