The heartbreaking story of Mufasa in the 1994 classic film The Lion King touched the hearts of audiences worldwide. Fast forward to today, Disney is bringing us a prequel that delves into the childhood of Simba’s courageous father in Mufasa: The Lion King. The tale will be narrated by the wise Rafiki to Kiara, Simba and Nala’s daughter, taking us back to the beautiful savannah and jungle filled with fascinating creatures and hidden secrets.
If you’re eagerly anticipating the release of Mufasa: The Lion King, mark your calendars for Friday, December 20, 2024, when the film hits cinemas in the US and UK. Tickets can be purchased through AMC Theatres, Fandango, Vue, Showcase, Odeon, or Cineworld websites. The trailer for the film gives a glimpse of the visual spectacle that awaits audiences.
As for the availability of Mufasa: The Lion King on VOD (Video on Demand), Disney typically releases their movies for streaming 67 days after their theatrical debut. Therefore, viewers in the US can expect the film to be available on VOD around Tuesday, February 25, 2025. UK audiences may have to wait a bit longer, as is often the case with Disney releases.
Following the VOD release, Mufasa: The Lion King is likely to be released on DVD and Blu-ray approximately three weeks later. This means that fans can expect the physical copies to hit stores on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, in the US. Stay tuned for an official confirmation from Disney regarding the release date.
As a Disney film, Mufasa: The Lion King will eventually find its way to the Disney+ streaming service. Typically, Disney movies land on the platform shortly after their DVD and Blu-ray release. If the pattern holds, viewers can look forward to streaming Mufasa: The Lion King in early April 2025.
For more updates on Disney’s latest releases and related articles, stay tuned for further announcements. Get ready to embark on a heartwarming journey back to the Pride Lands with Mufasa: The Lion King.