The highly anticipated documentary “Sly Lives!,” directed by Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson, will be making its premiere on Hulu on Thursday, Feb. 13. The film, subtitled “aka the Burden of Black Genius,” is a deep dive into the life and music of legendary musician Sly Stone.
Featuring a star-studded lineup of guests including Andre 3000, D’Angelo, Chaka Khan, Q-Tip, Nile Rogers, Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, George Clinton, Ruth Copeland, and Clive Davis, as well as members of Sly and the Family Stone and Stone’s family members, “Sly Lives!” promises to be a comprehensive look at the enigmatic artist.
Sly and the Family Stone burst onto the music scene in 1966 with their groundbreaking sound that blended pop, soul, and rock. With hits like “Dance to the Music,” “Everyday People,” “Stand!,” and “You Can Make It If You Try,” the group quickly became one of the most influential bands of the ’60s. However, internal struggles and substance abuse took a toll on Sly Stone, leading to a decline in his career.
Despite his challenges, Sly Stone has made several comeback attempts over the years, with his most recent collaboration on an autobiography with Questlove and writer Ben Greenman. Titled “Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin),” after one of the group’s iconic songs, the autobiography sheds light on Stone’s tumultuous journey in the music industry.
The documentary is brought to life by the same team behind the Oscar-winning film “Summer of Soul (…Or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised),” including director Questlove, producer Joseph Patel, and editor Josh Pearson. Produced by a powerhouse lineup of entertainment companies, “Sly Lives!” promises to be a must-watch for fans of Sly Stone and music enthusiasts alike.
Stay tuned for the premiere of “Sly Lives!” on Hulu and get ready to delve into the fascinating story of one of music’s most enigmatic figures.