Comedian Bill Burr recently shared a humorous anecdote on Jimmy Kimmel Live about his failed plan to escape Los Angeles with a helicopter. Kimmel brought up the wildfires raging through the city, prompting Burr to mention that he had obtained his pilot’s license as a precautionary measure.
However, Burr quickly realized that helicopters were more expensive than he had anticipated, leading him to abandon his escape plan. Instead, he and his family ended up crammed into an SUV like everyone else evacuating the area.
While Burr was able to find humor in the situation, many other celebrities were not as lucky. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Anna Faris, Adam Brody, and others have lost their homes in the wildfires, according to People.
Despite the serious situation, Burr’s helicopter mishap provided a lighthearted moment in the midst of a devastating event. Watch the clip below to see Burr recount his helicopter dilemma and share some witty remarks about internet trolls and insurance companies.
Source: People