A horrifying incident unfolded in Michigan when a mother allegedly set fire to her own home while her three children were asleep inside. The twisted mother, Roconda Singleton, reportedly confessed to removing seven fire alarms from the house before starting the blaze, a decision that ultimately led to the death of her 12-year-old daughter, Shamiya Stewart.
“I did it,” Singleton allegedly told authorities, showing no remorse for her actions. She carefully planned the arson, timing it while her three daughters were asleep and removing the fire alarms to prevent any early detection of the fire. The alarms were later found stuffed in a pillowcase in the backyard.
After pouring lighter fluid around the house, Singleton watched from outside as the flames engulfed the property, leaving her children trapped inside. While her 10-year-old daughter managed to rescue the youngest child, Shamiya was unable to escape in time and tragically passed away after two days in intensive care.
Grand Rapids Police Department Chief Eric Winstrom expressed shock and disbelief at the heinous crime committed by a mother against her own children, stating that he cannot comprehend any possible motive for such a horrific act. Singleton’s other two daughters sustained minor injuries in the fire, with the 10-year-old demanding justice for her sister and condemning her mother’s actions.
Singleton appeared in court on arson and child abuse charges, with additional charges, including murder, expected to follow. Despite her alleged confession, she initially pleaded not guilty to the charges. The community is left reeling from the senseless tragedy, struggling to understand how a mother could commit such a cruel and unimaginable crime against her own children.