The Quantum Technology Revolution: From Vaucanson’s Automata to Quantum Machines

The French inventor Jacques de Vaucanson created intriguing automata in the 18th century, including a flute player, a tambourine player, and a duck that defied expectations. Fast forward to today, physicist Nicole Yunger Halpern sees a connection between Vaucanson’s creations and the cutting-edge quantum technology of our time. Just as Vaucanson’s inventions foreshadowed the industrial revolution, quantum technology has the potential to revolutionize our world today, according to Yunger Halpern.
While the industrial revolution was driven by thermodynamics, the study of heat, work, and energy, physicists are now exploring quantum thermodynamics to unlock the potential of quantum technology. This new field has led to the development of quantum fridges, batteries, and clocks, paving the way for advanced quantum machines that could revolutionize various industries.
Yunger Halpern, along with other experts, recently published a manifesto outlining the roadmap for the future of quantum technology. In a conversation with New Scientist, she delved into the possibilities of advanced quantum machines, the incredible benefits they could offer, and the steps needed to make them a reality.