The controversial film “The Apprentice,” which delves into the life of a young Donald Trump, has faced backlash from major TV networks during presidential and VP debates. Briarcliff Entertainment, the film’s distributor, revealed that both ABC and CBS rejected a 15-second advertisement for the film to air during debate nights.
CBS, hosting a debate between Tim Walz and J.D. Vance, expressed discomfort in promoting “The Apprentice” during the debate or national news coverage but was open to advertising the film at other times of the day. ABC, which previously hosted a presidential debate, also declined to air the ad, citing a desire to avoid ads that touch on related themes within the broadcast.
Despite efforts by Trump and his team to block the film’s release, Briarcliff Entertainment secured the rights and will premiere the film in theaters nationwide on October 11. The film stars Sebastian Stan as Donald Trump and Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn, with a scene depicting Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump, played by Maria Bakalova, alleging sexual assault.
The rejected ad features Strong’s character declaring, “If you’re indicted you’re invited,” hinting at the controversial themes explored in the film. Despite the rejection from networks, the buzz surrounding the film continues to grow. We reached out to CBS and ABC for comment but have yet to receive a response.
The film promises to offer a provocative portrayal of Trump’s early years and his relationship with influential figures like Roy Cohn. With the release date fast approaching, “The Apprentice” is poised to spark discussions and debates surrounding its portrayal of real-life events and figures.