Fred Battle, a French artist, has transformed a scrapyard filled with aging cars into a vibrant and colorful installation called “Solara.” In this project, Battle painted the exteriors of 144 dilapidated vehicles from the 1960s to the 1990s with bold and vibrant colors. Each car’s hood, roof, and trunk now shine with hues that correspond to RGB color values, with the codes written on the bonnet for reference.
The inspiration behind this colorful transformation came from observing the effects of the sun on the horizontal surfaces of the cars. As each vehicle had its own unique history and purpose, applying a specific color to each one revealed its individuality and personal use. The result is a stunning display of chromatic rows of cars, enveloped by lush foliage, creating an enormous outdoor swatch book that is best viewed from above.
Fred Battle is known for his work on walls, vehicles, and canvases, where he paints bright and dynamic works that explore movement, public space, and gathering. To see more of his work, you can visit his Instagram profile.
The “Solara” installation showcases cars painted in a variety of colors, from pink and orange to yellow and purple. Each vehicle stands out as a unique and vibrant piece of art, adding a burst of color to the surroundings. The aerial view of the cars arranged by color in the field is a sight to behold, showcasing the beauty and creativity of Battle’s work.
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In conclusion, journalism plays a vital role in society by providing accurate, unbiased information, holding those in power accountable, and promoting transparency and accountability. In a world filled with misinformation and fake news, it’s more important than ever to support quality journalism and value the work of journalists who strive to keep the public informed.