By the authority conferred upon me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, I hereby issue the following directive:
Section 1. Context
My Administration is dedicated to mitigating the substantial risks posed by law firms, particularly those in the so-called “Big Law” category, which engage in activities that are detrimental to key American interests. These firms often act in ways that jeopardize public safety and national security, restrict constitutional liberties, undermine the integrity of American elections, and erode foundational American values. Alarmingly, many of these harmful actions are carried out under the guise of pro bono work, where hundreds of millions in client funds are redirected to initiatives that may inadvertently harm the very clients they claim to serve. It is imperative that lawyers and firms that engage in such reprehensible conduct are denied access to our nation’s sensitive information and that their actions are not subsidized by taxpayer money or government contracts.
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP (commonly known as WilmerHale) exemplifies a law firm that has strayed from the profession’s esteemed principles, utilizing its pro bono efforts to engage in activities that subvert justice and the interests of the United States. For instance, WilmerHale is known for its overtly partisan legal strategies aimed at achieving political objectives, supporting discriminatory practices based on race, obstructing measures to prevent illegal immigration and the associated criminal activities, and undermining the electoral process by advocating for noncitizen voting. Furthermore, the firm has been accused of practicing its own form of discrimination against employees based on race and other categories barred by civil rights statutes, utilizing race-based “targets” in its hiring practices.
Moreover, WilmerHale has shown a proclivity for hiring attorneys who manipulate prosecutorial powers to disrupt the democratic process and distort justice. A notable example is the firm’s decision to welcome Robert Mueller and his associates—Aaron Zebley and James Quarles—after they led one of the most politically charged investigations in American history, wielding government power in a manner that epitomizes the very weaponization of justice we seek to combat. WilmerHale has lauded Mueller as embodying the “highest values” of the firm; however, his investigation had profound repercussions, adversely affecting the lives and careers of public servants in my Administration. This misuse of the legal system must not be rewarded or tolerated.
Sec 2. Security Clearance Evaluation
(a) The Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, and all other pertinent heads of executive departments and agencies shall take immediate action, in accordance with applicable law, to suspend any active security clearances held by individuals at WilmerHale, pending a thorough review of their alignment with national interests.
(b) The Office of Management and Budget shall identify all government goods, services, and facilities, including Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities, provided to WilmerHale. Agency heads must, as legally permissible, halt such provisions expeditiously.
Sec 3. Contracting
(a) To prevent taxpayer funds from supporting contractors whose activities contradict American interests, including racial discrimination, government contracting agencies shall, as legally permissible, require disclosure of any business dealings with WilmerHale by contractors.
(b) Agency heads shall review all contracts with WilmerHale or with any entities that disclose business with WilmerHale under subsection (a). To the extent allowed by law, they shall:
(i) take necessary steps to terminate any contract, as far as legally permissible, for services rendered by WilmerHale; and
(ii) ensure that agency funding decisions align with the interests of American citizens, reflecting the goals and priorities of my Administration, particularly as outlined in Executive Order 14147 (Ending the Weaponization of the Federal Government). Agencies must submit an assessment of contracts with WilmerHale or with entities that conduct business with WilmerHale within 30 days of this order, detailing actions taken in compliance with this directive.
Sec 4. Racial Discrimination
Nothing in this order shall limit the actions authorized by Section 4 of Executive Order 14230 of March 6, 2025 (Addressing Risks from Perkins Coie LLP).
Sec 5. Personnel
(a) Agency heads shall, to the extent permitted by law, provide guidance to limit access to federal buildings for WilmerHale employees when such access poses a threat to national security or is inconsistent with U.S. interests. They must also guide government employees to refrain from engaging with WilmerHale employees in their official capacities to uphold national security.
(b) Officials shall, as legally permissible, avoid hiring WilmerHale employees unless a waiver is granted by the agency head in consultation with the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, confirming that such hiring will not jeopardize national security.
Sec 6. General Provisions
(a) This order shall not be interpreted to impede or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to any executive department or agency, or its head; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget regarding budgetary, administrative, or legislative matters.
(b) This order shall be implemented in accordance with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any enforceable rights or benefits, substantive or procedural, against the United States or its departments, agencies, officers, employees, or agents, or any other individual.
March 27, 2025.