Ben Zank is a New York-based photographer whose work delves into the surreal and the bizarre. Through his lens, ordinary situations become extraordinary as his subjects interact with their surroundings in unexpected ways. From being engulfed by foliage to being buttoned up with architectural elements, Zank’s images challenge our perceptions and invite us to see the world in a new light.
Zank’s photographs are often accompanied by witty titles that add another layer of depth to his work. Titles like “Failed Columnist” and “Cloudy with a Chance of Despair” playfully complement the visual narratives he creates, adding a touch of humor to the surreal scenes he captures.
Earlier this year, Zank released a monograph titled “Nothing to See Here,” a collection of his most compelling images. The book is available from Aliens in Residence and offers a deeper dive into Zank’s unique artistic vision.
You can explore more of Ben Zank’s work on his Instagram account, where he continues to push the boundaries of photography and challenge our perceptions of reality.
In a world where words sometimes fall short, Ben Zank’s images speak volumes. They invite us to question our assumptions, see the world from a different perspective, and find beauty in the unexpected. Through his lens, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the mundane becomes magical.