Cotopaxi: Leading the Way in Sustainable Outdoor Gear
Cotopaxi, a certified B Corporation founded in 2014 in Salt Lake City, is making waves in the outdoor gear industry with its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Known for its innovative and sustainably designed outdoor products, Cotopaxi is setting a high bar for the industry as a whole.
Annie Agle, Cotopaxi’s Vice President of Sustainability and Impact, sat down for an interview to discuss the company’s strategies for sustainable design, circular economy practices, philanthropic initiatives, and more. Agle highlighted Cotopaxi’s holistic approach to sustainability, which includes rigorous assessments of environmental, social, and governance risks across its global value chain.
One of Cotopaxi’s key initiatives is its support for education, housing, healthcare, climate solutions, and employment in impoverished communities. The company has reportedly helped more than 4.2 million people through its various philanthropic efforts. Cotopaxi is also aiming for net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, with plans to migrate all its product designs to use recycled, repurposed, or responsibly sourced materials by 2025.
The company’s commitment to sustainability is evident in every aspect of its operations, from product design to supply chain management. By prioritizing social and environmental responsibility, Cotopaxi is paving the way for a more sustainable future in the outdoor gear industry.
For those interested in learning more about the sustainable fashion and outdoor gear movement, Cotopaxi’s story is a great place to start. With a strong focus on sustainability, social impact, and innovation, Cotopaxi is setting a new standard for the industry as a whole.
To learn more about Cotopaxi and its sustainable initiatives, visit their website at Cotopaxi. And be sure to check out the interview with Annie Agle, Vice President of Sustainability and Impact, for an inside look at the company’s mission and goals.