A tragic incident unfolded in a quiet Vermont town as a man was arrested for allegedly killing his father, stepmother, and her teenage son inside their home. Brian Crossman Jr., 22, is accused of fatally shooting his father, Brian Crossman, a local official, his stepmother Erica, and her 13-year-old son Colin Taft in Pawlet, Vermont. The gruesome crime was reported by Crossman Jr. himself, who called the authorities to report the murders.
After the incident, Crossman Jr. was taken into custody by New York State Police and charged with three counts of aggravated murder. He appeared in court in Warren County and was ordered to be held without bail pending his extradition back to Vermont. The victims, Brian Crossman, Erica, and Colin, were found dead from gunshot wounds in their home, with a gun and shell casings recovered from the scene.
Crossman Jr. initially claimed that he had discovered his family slain upon returning from a walk. However, investigators found inconsistencies in his story, leading to further scrutiny of his involvement in the crime. The motive behind the shooting is still under investigation, with family members revealing that Crossman Jr. had a troubled relationship with his father and a history of mental health issues.
In a disturbing twist, a search of Crossman Jr.’s phone revealed searches related to serial killers and cold case murders. The victims, Brian and Erica, had recently married on their family farm, which had been in the family for generations. According to neighbors, Brian was working hard to restore the farm and make a fresh start. The shocking turn of events has left the community reeling, with loved ones grappling with the loss of their family members.
As the investigation continues, authorities are working to uncover the truth behind the senseless killings. The tragic incident has shaken the peaceful town of Pawlet, Vermont, leaving residents in disbelief at the heinous act committed by one of their own.