The Sign of Economic Growth: Cat Cardiologists and Movie Watching
Our beloved cat Theo has recently been diagnosed with a heart disease by a cat cardiologist. Yes, a cardiologist for cats. This may seem unusual, but it is actually a testament to the economic growth and wealth that we have experienced.
Just a few decades ago, the idea of specialized medical care for pets like cats was almost unheard of. The fact that we now have cat cardiologists shows how far we have come in terms of technological advancement and affluence.
Back in the day, Americans were not as wealthy as they are now, and there was little demand for specialized services like cat cardiology. The lack of supply was also influenced by the economic conditions of the time.
When we look at other indicators of economic growth, such as the evolution of the entertainment industry, we can see how much wealthier the average American has become.
Take the example of movie watching. In the past, someone like Howard Hughes, a wealthy individual in the 1960s, had to buy his own TV station just to have control over what movies were being shown. Today, we can access a vast library of movies and TV shows with a simple subscription to services like Netflix, at a fraction of the cost.
Our ability to stream movies on demand is a luxury that even kings and queens of the past could not have imagined. The convenience and affordability of entertainment options today truly highlight the wealth and prosperity of our society.
When we compare our lives to those of individuals like Howard Hughes or King George IV from centuries ago, we can appreciate the advancements and comforts that economic growth has brought us.