A gruesome incident unfolded in California as a gunman went on a killing spree, taking the lives of more than 80 animals including mini-horses, chickens, and goats in a farm…
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Highlights Is there a correlation between the media's lack of coverage of the President's cognitive abilities before the debate and…
Highlights We are addressing well over 40 million criminal victimizations yearly. Victimization may exceed half the population when you combine…
The tragic murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Texas has sparked outrage and calls for justice. Two Venezuelan nationals, Johan…
Crime reporting and statistics have always been a contentious issue in the justice system. While official data may show decreases…
Kamala Harris has always portrayed herself as tough on crime, citing her successful elections as district attorney in San Francisco…
The impact of crime on insurance rates is a growing concern for homeowners, businesses, and car owners across the country.…
Central Park, known for its beauty and serenity, was recently the scene of a rather unusual incident. A gunman attempted…
Crime statistics can be a contentious topic, especially when comparing data between countries like the United States and Canada. Recent…
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