Following a disturbing incident on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship, a cabin attendant named Arvin Joseph Mirasol has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for planting hidden cameras in guests’ rooms. The 34-year-old Philippine national was found guilty of producing child sexual abuse material, including children as young as 2 years old.
Mirasol’s actions came to light when a young girl discovered a camera hidden under the sink counter in her room while the Symphony of the Seas was at sea. He was detained and later arrested by Broward County deputies upon the ship’s return to Port Everglades, Florida. Mirasol had been working on the cruise ship since December 2023 and confessed to spying on young girls, admitting, “I want to control it, but I can’t.”
The investigation revealed that Mirasol would enter guests’ rooms while they were showering and even hid under their beds to record them as they exited the shower. His electronic devices contained numerous videos of children in various stages of undress, with a focus on their genitals. One video even showed Mirasol installing a camera in a guest’s bathroom.
The disturbing videos featured children as young as 2 and as old as 17. In one instance, a 10-year-old girl was recorded undressing and showering, with her genitals clearly visible in the footage. Authorities also found voyeurism-related searches on Mirasol’s phone, including terms like “teen on bed.”
When questioned about his targeting process, Mirasol revealed that he would choose rooms based on the occupants, preferring teenage girls over the age of 16. Royal Caribbean took swift action, reporting the incident to law enforcement and terminating Mirasol’s employment upon learning of the allegations.
The cruise company stated that they have zero tolerance for such behavior and emphasized their commitment to ensuring the safety and security of their passengers. Mirasol’s sentencing serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and accountability in preventing such heinous acts from occurring in the future.