ABC has released the first promo for this year’s 76th Emmys, hosted by father-son duo Dan Levy and Eugene Levy. The promo showcases the comedic chemistry between the two hosts, with Eugene unable to resist a classic dad joke about low-hanging eyebrows. The spot was unveiled during ABC’s primetime lineup, coinciding with the upcoming Creative Arts Emmys this weekend.
The Television Academy also announced the first set of presenters for the Creative Arts Emmys, including LeVar Burton, Mark Cuban, and Lucy Liu, among others. The star-studded lineup promises an exciting evening celebrating the best in television.
Eugene Levy and Dan Levy are gearing up to host the main Emmy Awards on September 15, live on ABC. The Canadian duo, known for their work on “Schitt’s Creek,” are excited to celebrate the exceptional television of the past year with viewers around the world.
The Levys will be working closely with Emmy producers Jesse Collins, Dionne Harmon, and Jeannae Rouzan-Clay to ensure a memorable and entertaining show. This marks the first time a father-son duo has hosted the Emmys, adding a unique touch to this year’s ceremony.
As Eugene Levy prepares for his hosting duties, he is also nominated for his work on “The Reluctant Traveler With Eugene Levy.” The Apple TV+ series is up for outstanding hosted nonfiction series or special, adding to the excitement of the evening.
Fans can catch all the action live on ABC on September 15, with the show also available for streaming on Hulu the following day. Stay tuned for more updates and surprises as the Emmys draw near.