English Designated as Official Language of the United States
On March 1, 2025, President of the United States issued an executive order designating English as the official language of the country. The order highlights the importance of having a nationally designated language to promote unity, create a shared American culture, and ensure consistency in government operations.
Section 1: Purpose and Policy
Since the founding of the Republic, English has been used as the national language of the United States. The declaration emphasizes the significance of English as the language in which historic governing documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution have been written. The order aims to strengthen the nation by encouraging new Americans to learn and adopt English, enabling them to engage in their communities, participate in national traditions, and contribute to society.
The policy of promoting English as the official language is seen as a way to empower new citizens to achieve the American dream and facilitate communication among diverse populations. By establishing English as the official language, the order seeks to reinforce shared national values and create a more cohesive and efficient society.
Section 2: Definitions
The order provides definitions for key terms used, such as “Agency” and “Agency Head,” to clarify their meanings in the context of the executive order.
Section 3: Designating an Official Language for the United States
The order officially designates English as the official language of the United States, revoking Executive Order 13166 of August 11, 2000, which focused on improving access to services for persons with limited English proficiency. However, agency heads are given the flexibility to make decisions based on their agencies’ missions and the efficient provision of government services to the American people.
The Attorney General is tasked with rescinding any policy guidance documents issued pursuant to Executive Order 13166 and providing updated guidance consistent with applicable law.
Section 4: General Provisions
The order clarifies that it does not impair or affect the authority granted by law to executive departments or agencies. It also emphasizes that the implementation of the order should be consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
Overall, the executive order aims to promote unity, create a shared American culture, and ensure efficient communication and government operations by designating English as the official language of the United States.
March 1, 2025.