Caroline Harrius, a Stockholm-based artist, is known for her unique approach to combining ceramics and fiber art. In her upcoming solo show titled “Blue Memories” at Kaolin in Stockholm, Harrius showcases her delicate designs that merge the two distinct crafts into one cohesive art form. This innovative approach explores the relationships between form and function, decoration and utility, and historically gendered artisanal practices.
The exhibition is the result of a three-month residency that Harrius undertook in Porsgrunn, Norway, after being awarded the municipality’s porcelain grant. This residency allowed her to work closely with the local porcelain factory and Kunsthall Grenland to further develop her craft and push the boundaries of traditional artistry in the material.
Harrius describes the process of embroidering delicate designs through tiny holes puncturing hand-shaped vessels as “irrational and full of resistance.” She draws inspiration from everyday objects, such as trinkets found in antique shops, to create new floral designs that challenge traditional notions of craftsmanship.
“I embroider in porcelain with cotton thread in an attempt to recontextualize the crafts,” Harrius explains. “I want to highlight all the precious and impressive craft objects that are often overlooked within the walls of the home, challenge hierarchies in the field, and make visible traditional female craftsmanship.”
“Blue Memories” runs from January 11 to 26 and offers a glimpse into Harrius’ unique approach to merging ceramics and fiber art. To learn more about the artist and her work, visit her website and Instagram.
The exhibition features a series of white porcelain vessels embroidered with colorful cotton threads, each showcasing a different design and color palette. Through her innovative approach to combining ceramics and fiber art, Harrius invites viewers to reconsider the boundaries between traditional craft practices and contemporary artistry.
Photo by Alexander Beveridge
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