Eureka recently debuted its newest flagship robot vacuum, the J15 Max Ultra, at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. This model, set to be released in the US in June 2025, boasts a range of innovative features designed to address common robot vacuum limitations and enhance the overall cleaning experience.
The J15 Max Ultra is positioned as Eureka’s top-of-the-line model, offering advanced technologies to tackle dust in corners and hair tangled around the brush bar. Priced at $1,299 in the US, this flagship model competes favorably with other high-end robot vacuums in the market.
One standout feature of the J15 Max Ultra is the IntelliView 2.0 system, which utilizes AI to identify spills and differentiate between wet and dry messes. This upgraded system incorporates both an infrared vision system and an FHD vision sensor to improve spill detection, especially for transparent liquids like water or milk.
With an impressive 22,000 Pa suction power, the J15 Max Ultra ensures thorough cleaning on hard floors and carpets alike. Additionally, the SweepExtend and ScrubExtend features extend the reach of the robot vacuum’s side sweeper and mop pad, enabling it to clean right up to walls and corners effectively.
The FlexiRazor system is another innovative addition, designed to cut away hair from the brush roll and minimize maintenance tasks. Furthermore, the ObstaCross feature allows the robot vacuum to navigate raised thresholds and small steps, expanding its accessibility within the home.
Overall, the J15 Max Ultra offers a comprehensive set of features aimed at enhancing the user experience and delivering efficient cleaning performance. Stay tuned for our upcoming review to see how these features perform in real-world scenarios. In the meantime, check out our recommendations for the best robot vacuums and affordable options in the market.