Liliana Trafficante, a former convict who served over three years in federal prison for defrauding investors in a fake water park project, has recently announced her candidacy for a Bronx City Council seat. Despite being ineligible to hold office under city law due to her criminal past, Trafficante is determined to run for public service, citing the lack of support for her community as her motivation.
In her Instagram post earlier this month, Trafficante expressed her desire to help her “hurting community,” signaling her intention to enter the political arena. Her decision to run for office comes more than a decade after pleading guilty to felony wire fraud conspiracy for deceiving investors with a phony plan to build a waterpark in upstate New York.
During her sentencing, Trafficante was ordered to pay $750,000 in restitution to her victims, of which she has only paid a small fraction. Despite her past actions, she has now set her sights on representing the Bronx’s 13th District, although she mistakenly filed paperwork to run in Manhattan’s 3rd District.
While some of her victims have criticized her candidacy, calling it a “joke,” Trafficante believes that her experience in prison and her understanding of the community’s struggles make her well-suited for the job. However, if she were to win the election, she would be prohibited from serving on the council due to a law enacted in 2021 that bars individuals convicted of fraud or public corruption felonies from holding office.
As of now, Trafficante has not received any campaign donations, according to city finance records. Despite this, she remains committed to her goal of serving her community and making a positive impact. Working for a government services company, Maximus, Trafficante believes that her unique perspective and firsthand experience with adversity make her an ideal candidate for public office.
While her candidacy may face legal challenges and scrutiny due to her criminal history, Trafficante remains determined to pursue her political ambitions and advocate for the needs of her community. Only time will tell if her past will hinder or enhance her chances of making a difference in the Bronx City Council.