Facial Expressivity: The Key to Building Social Bonds
In the world of card games, having a poker face is crucial. A skilled player knows that any small giveaway could cost them a significant sum of money. But in everyday interactions, being more facially expressive may actually help you connect with others.
Recent research has shown that people who are more expressive with their faces tend to be more liked by others. This might explain why humans have evolved to have such expressive faces, producing an average of 101 facial movements per minute during social interactions.
The importance of facial expressivity can be traced back to our evolutionary history. Throughout time, humans have relied on tight-knit communities for survival. Managing social relationships was essential for protection from predators and outsiders. Any behavior that improved someone’s ability to create and maintain bonds was likely to be passed down through generations.
In a recent study, participants engaged in online social interactions while being filmed. The researchers observed how facial movements correlated with personality traits such as agreeableness, extraversion, and neuroticism. Interestingly, more expressive individuals were found to be more liked by their social partners.
But why does facial expressivity improve social bonding? When meeting someone new, being able to read their facial expressions can help determine if they are trustworthy or compatible. Expressive individuals are perceived as more predictable and easier to understand, making them more appealing to others.
Facial expressions go beyond communicating emotions. They can convey listening, understanding, or even authority without necessarily reflecting a specific emotion. Likability was found to be linked to expressivity rather than a particular emotion, showing that being facially expressive makes individuals more appealing regardless of their emotional state.
The level of expressivity remained consistent across different situations and social partners, suggesting that it is a trait rather than a situational response. Future research aims to explore why some individuals are less expressive and whether alternative routes to social attractiveness exist.
While being more open and expressive may leave individuals feeling vulnerable, the rewards of connecting with others outweigh the risks. So, rather than putting on a poker face, it may be more beneficial to let your features fly free and embrace your facial expressivity.
In conclusion, facial expressivity plays a crucial role in building social bonds. By being more facially expressive, individuals can create a sense of understanding and predictability that makes them more likable to others. So, next time you interact with someone new, consider letting your facial expressions shine.