Kieran Turner, a talented documentary filmmaker known for creating the popular web series “Wallflowers,” passed away on December 23 in West Hollywood at the age of 56. His death, resulting from a courageous battle with cancer, was confirmed by Christy Grosz, president of CLG3 Communications.
Apart from his work on “Wallflowers,” Turner was also the writer and producer of the online web series, which aired for two seasons from 2013 to 2014. The show followed the lives of four friends who joined a support group to navigate the world of dating. Starring Gibson Frazier, Sarah Saltzberg, Christianna Tisdale, Susan Louise O’Connor, and Ricky Dunlop, “Wallflowers” is now available for streaming on Dekkoo.
Through his independent production company Eight Track Tape Productions, Turner directed and produced the documentary “Jobriath A.D.” This film shed light on the life of the ’70s glam rock musician who tragically passed away from AIDS. Turner’s production company focuses on telling LGBTQ+ related stories, both in fictional and non-fictional formats.
During his time at Cinemarket, Turner played a key role in financing and marketing various films, including “Terminator Salvation,” “Love & Mercy,” “From the Rough,” “Very Good Girls,” and “Dylan Dog: Dead of Night.” Additionally, Turner’s first feature film, “24 Nights,” which he directed, wrote, and produced as his graduate thesis at New York University, was picked up for distribution by TLA Releasing. His screenplay “Black Dogs” was featured on the 2022 Black List and is currently in development with Star Thrower Entertainment.
At the time of his passing, Turner was actively working on a new project titled “Ghost Lights: Reclaiming Theater in the Age of AIDS.” This upcoming documentary aims to explore the profound impact of the AIDS epidemic on the world of theater. Turner is survived by his cousins on the East Coast and his close circle of chosen family and friends.
Kieran Turner’s contributions to the film industry, particularly in telling LGBTQ+ stories and shedding light on important social issues, will be remembered and cherished by many. His creative vision and passion for storytelling have left a lasting impact on the entertainment world.