The heartwarming story of Trooper, the young bull terrier rescued during Hurricane Milton in Florida, has now found his forever home with a loving couple who have been dedicated bull terrier owners for over 30 years.
Frank and Carla Spina, the new parents of Trooper, were deeply moved by his story and knew they had to bring him into their family. Despite initial concerns about Trooper’s behavior around men due to his past abuse, the Spinas were confident in their ability to provide a safe and loving environment for him.
Trooper was discovered tied to a fence by a Florida Highway Patrol trooper as Hurricane Milton approached, and he was later taken in by the Leon County Humane Society. After weeks of monitoring his progress, the Spinas were thrilled to apply for his adoption when the opportunity arose.
During the introduction between Trooper and his new family, it was clear that they were a perfect match. The shelter workers described it as “a match made in heaven,” and Trooper immediately felt at ease with his new parents.
Despite the heartbreaking circumstances of his abandonment, Trooper has now settled into his new home alongside the Spinas’ other bull terrier, Dallas. The couple believes Trooper is around three years old and has quickly become a beloved member of their family.
Meanwhile, Trooper’s former owner, Giovanny Aldama Garcia, is facing charges of aggravated cruelty to animals for leaving him tied to a fence during the storm. Garcia admitted to abandoning the dog, named “Jumbo,” as he fled the area ahead of the hurricane.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis condemned Garcia’s actions as unacceptable and vowed to hold him accountable for his cruelty. Garcia faces up to five years in prison for the felony charge and will not be allowed to regain ownership of the dog.
As Trooper enjoys his new life with the Spinas, his story serves as a reminder of the resilience and capacity for love that animals possess, even in the face of adversity.