Brigitte Bardot, the iconic French actress and former sex symbol, celebrated her 90th birthday recently. However, instead of a glamorous celebration, sources revealed to that Bardot has chosen to live a reclusive life in her home in St. Tropez, shocking residents with her unkempt appearance and refusal to adhere to hygiene standards.
Once known for her sensual performances in films like “And God Created Woman” in 1956, Bardot has now become a controversial figure known for her extreme right-wing views and outspoken nature. Despite her status as a fierce animal rights activist, Bardot’s behavior has alienated many in her community, with one source describing her as an eccentric who instills fear in those who pass by her house.
Bardot’s controversial behavior extends beyond her reclusive lifestyle. She has faced multiple fines for making racist comments, including a 2021 incident where she was ordered to pay $23,100 for inciting racial hatred in a letter where she referred to native Indian Ocean islanders as “savages” and accused them of engaging in cannibalism.
In addition to her racist remarks, Bardot has also been criticized for her vocal opposition to the #MeToo movement. Despite her past as a Hollywood sex symbol, Bardot claims she was never a victim of sexual harassment in the industry. However, her refusal to conform to societal standards of beauty has also raised eyebrows, as she adamantly refuses to dye her hair, wear makeup, or undergo plastic surgery.
While Bardot’s kittenish looks may have faded with age, her fiery spirit remains intact. Despite her controversial views and reclusive lifestyle, Bardot continues to speak her mind, unapologetically refusing to conform to societal expectations. Love her or hate her, Brigitte Bardot remains a complex and enigmatic figure in the world of cinema and activism.