Debbie Kawam, known later in life as Debrina, had a vibrant and joyful personality that left a lasting impression on those around her. Growing up in Little Falls, N.J., she was a popular cheerleader at Passaic Valley Regional High School, known for her inner glow and infectious smile. Her friends and colleagues remember her as always being kind and helpful, with a warm demeanor that drew people to her.
After high school, Debbie continued to spread her light, traveling with friends to places like Las Vegas and the Caribbean, living life to the fullest. However, as the years passed, Debbie’s life took a dark turn, leading to decades of struggles and hardship. Tragically, on December 22, her life came to a horrific end when she was set on fire on a subway train in Brooklyn in a random and senseless attack.
Despite the darkness that clouded her final years, those who knew Debbie as a young and vibrant woman choose to remember her for the joy and positivity she brought into their lives. Classmates recall her as the bright light of the school, always willing to lend a helping hand and spread cheer wherever she went. Her former colleague, Diane Risoldi, fondly remembers Debbie as a sweet and kind-hearted person, always smiling and radiating warmth.
As details of Debbie’s later years emerged, it became clear that she had faced numerous challenges and struggles, including financial difficulties and legal issues. Despite these hardships, she continued to live life on her own terms, never losing the spark that had made her so beloved by those who knew her in her youth.
The tragic end to Debbie’s life has left her classmates and friends devastated, grappling with the knowledge that they did not know the full extent of her struggles. As they mourn her untimely death, they choose to remember her as the vibrant and joyful young woman they once knew, a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing the moments of light and happiness that we find along the way.