Gaumont, the oldest film company in the world, has announced the departure of its Vice CEO, Christophe Riandee. After more than 20 years with the company, Riandee has decided to leave his position to focus on personal projects. The news was confirmed in a statement released by the company, wishing Riandee all the best for his future endeavors.
As of now, there are no immediate plans to replace Riandee. CEO Sidonie Dumas will be taking over the responsibilities of overseeing all ongoing projects that Riandee was previously managing. The staff who reported to Riandee will now report directly to Dumas, ensuring a smooth transition within the company.
Riandee joined Gaumont in 2003 and has had a successful career within the company, working his way up to the position of Vice CEO. He played a crucial role in overseeing Gaumont’s television arm and was instrumental in the success of projects such as “Lupin,” “Barbarians,” and “Narcos: Mexico.”
Founded in 1895 and headquartered in Paris, Gaumont has a rich history in the film industry. Nicolas Seydoux continues to serve as the chair of the company, overseeing its operations and strategic direction.
The departure of Riandee marks a significant change within Gaumont, but the company remains committed to its legacy of producing quality film and television content. With Dumas at the helm and a talented team in place, Gaumont looks forward to continuing its success in the industry.