“Gomorrah,” the acclaimed Italian mob series that captivated audiences worldwide, is making a comeback with a new twist. The highly anticipated origin story, titled “Gomorrah – The Series. The Origins,” is set to begin filming in early 2025 in Naples. Directed by Marco D’Amore, known for his role as the ruthless Ciro Di Marzio in the original series, this prequel promises to delve into the early days of the Neapolitan criminal underworld.
In a video announcement, D’Amore expressed his excitement for exploring the roots of the “Gomorrah” saga, emphasizing that the new series will stay true to the gritty realism that defined the original. The story will focus on the rise of mobster Pietro Savastano in the 1970s, a time when the criminal activities in Naples were less violent but equally pervasive.
Riccardo Tozzi, the chief of Cattleya, the production company behind the series, acknowledged the challenges of revisiting such iconic material but was convinced by the compelling vision of D’Amore and the creative team. The prequel will portray a young Pietro Savastano navigating the criminal world alongside a group of lively and unaware companions.
The project has garnered excitement from Sky Studios Italy, with EVP Nils Hartmann praising D’Amore’s talent as both an actor and director. The collaboration between D’Amore, Leonardo Fasoli, Maddalena Ravagli, and Roberto Saviano promises to bring a fresh perspective to the beloved saga.
While casting details are yet to be revealed, the prequel is expected to feature a mix of young local talents and possibly non-professional actors. The original “Gomorrah” series, known for its authentic portrayal of Neapolitan crime, achieved massive success both in Italy and internationally.
Like its predecessor, “Gomorrah – The Series. The Origins” is a joint production between Sky Studios and Cattleya, with international distribution handled by Beta Film. With the promise of a new and unprecedented chapter in the saga, fans can look forward to another gripping journey into the heart of Naples’ underworld.