Greenpeace is taking a unique approach to tackling climate change with its new animated series, “My Pet Footprint.” The show, aimed at Gen Z but suitable for all ages, follows 15-year-old Bella and her carbon footprint, Betty, as they embark on a surreal journey through time and space to witness the devastating impacts of climate change caused by Big Oil.
The series blends humor with dystopian drama and science fiction elements, set in a world where executives have removed their consciences, creating a formidable challenge for the protagonists. The show aims to spark conversations about climate change in a new and engaging way, using animation and comedy to appeal to a wide audience.
Produced by Prague-based animation studio Wit & Wisdom and directed by filmmaker Daniel Bird, known for his work in socially conscious filmmaking, “My Pet Footprint” aims to bridge the gap in climate communication by making complex environmental concepts more accessible through humor. Bird emphasizes the importance of using laughter as a tool to start serious conversations about climate change and raise awareness in a more engaging manner.
The team behind the series has already developed a seven-episode bible and written the pilot script, with plans to produce the pilot and attract investors to complete the first season. Distribution plans include streaming platforms like YouTube, with hopes of securing a partnership with a major streaming service to reach a global audience.
If mainstream streamers do not pick up the series, Bird and his team are open to adapting the episodes into a feature film for festival screenings before seeking wider distribution. The ultimate goal of “My Pet Footprint” is not just to entertain but to inspire positive action in the fight against climate change.
By using humor and animation, Greenpeace is breaking new ground in climate communication, creating a show that is both entertaining and impactful. With a focus on engaging audiences of all ages and sparking meaningful discussions, “My Pet Footprint” has the potential to make a lasting impact in the fight for our planet’s future.