Heidi Klum, the renowned supermodel, is beaming with pride as she celebrates her son’s debut on the runway at Paris Fashion Week. The 19-year-old, Henry, took the fashion world by storm as he walked for the Lena Erziak Haute Couture Spring-Summer 2025 show at Hotel le Marois. Heidi couldn’t contain her excitement as she shared a clip of her son strutting his stuff and even opening the show.
Henry, who is Heidi’s son with singer Seal, exuded confidence as he rocked a black suit with an open back, striking poses and confidently walking down the runway. He later changed into a full black suit paired with an oversized scarf for another look, showcasing his versatility and style.
In an interview with Vogue Germany, Henry revealed that his mom and half-sister Leni, also a model, gave him some valuable tips for his runway debut. They advised him to walk as if he had a book on his head and reminded him to have fun and enjoy the experience.
Despite his impressive performance on the runway, Henry admitted that modeling is not his ultimate dream job. However, growing up in a household with a mother like Heidi Klum, a career in the fashion industry seems almost inevitable.
It’s clear that Henry has inherited his mother’s charisma and style, and his runway debut at Paris Fashion Week is just the beginning of what promises to be a bright future in the fashion world. With Heidi’s unwavering support and guidance, there’s no doubt that Henry will continue to make a name for himself in the industry.