The recently released police body camera footage captured the aftermath of Mackenzie Shirilla’s arrest for a horrific crime. The then-17-year-old was seen tearfully sitting in the backseat of a police SUV after being arrested for the aggravated murder of her boyfriend, Dominic Russo, and his friend, Davion Flanagan. The footage shows Shirilla expressing more concern about her jewelry than the heinous act she had just committed.
In the video, an officer informs Shirilla of her arrest and assures her that no one will bother her. Despite her tears, Shirilla is more worried about her bracelet getting damaged by the handcuffs. The officer handles the situation with care and eventually leads Shirilla to another cruiser for transport to the station.
Shirilla, who was later convicted of four counts of murder for causing the fatal crash by driving her car into a wall at over 100 mph, appeared shellshocked during the drive. She even closed her eyes, seemingly trying to sleep amidst the chaos.
A year later, in August 2023, Shirilla was sentenced to two concurrent 15-years-to-life sentences for her actions. The judge referred to her as “literal hell on wheels” and emphasized that this was not reckless driving but premeditated murder. Security footage captured Shirilla speeding towards the wall with a clear mission in mind.
Judge Nancy Margaret Russo described the intentional nature of Shirilla’s actions, highlighting the tragic loss of life caused by her reckless behavior. Both Russo and Flanagan lost their lives in the crash, while Shirilla was found unconscious with THC in her system.
During the sentencing hearing, Judge Russo expressed her struggle with deciding between consecutive or concurrent sentences for Shirilla. The convicted teen did not testify during the trial but issued a statement apologizing to the families of the victims. However, the families were not receptive to her apology, expressing their pain and loss in their own statements.
The tragic incident has left a lasting impact on the families of the victims, who continue to mourn the loss of their loved ones. Shirilla’s actions have irreversibly changed the course of multiple lives, serving as a stark reminder of the consequences of reckless and intentional behavior.