Dear We Are Teachers,
I recently started working at a new school that I really enjoy, except for one issue: my principal keeps commenting on me leaving at my contract time. Whenever I pass him on my way out at 3 o’clock, he makes remarks like, “You’re in a hurry!” or “Got somewhere to be?” After I clarified that my contract day ends at 3, he mentioned that most teachers stay until 5:00 or later. I was surprised as I thought we had agreed to work our contract hours in 2024. Now I feel guilty for leaving at 3. Can you offer any advice?
—Feeling Guilty About Leaving on Time
First of all, thank you for the Britney Spears reference, it’s always appreciated! It’s understandable that you feel uneasy about this situation, especially if you’re a rule-follower like me.
If you’re not skipping out on any important duties like afternoon duty, meetings, or other responsibilities, then you are well within your rights to leave at your contract time without any questions. Your principal should understand that you can still do your job effectively without working extra, unpaid hours.
If your principal continues to make comments, you could try explaining that you give someone in your neighborhood a ride home every day and need to leave at your contract time to pick them up. It’s okay to keep the details to yourself if you prefer not to disclose that the person is actually you.
In time, your principal may come to realize that you are a dedicated and efficient teacher, even if you leave at 3. However, if you don’t want to wait for that realization, standing up for your boundaries and contract hours is important. Remember, taking care of yourself and setting boundaries is not something to feel guilty about.
If you have any more questions or need further advice, feel free to reach out to us at
Best regards,
We Are Teachers