KL Rahul, the talented Indian cricketer, recently shared a heartwarming story about how Anushka Sharma, the popular Bollywood actress and wife of his teammate Virat Kohli, helped him overcome the disappointment of his international debut back in 2014. Rahul made his debut for India during the third Test of the 2014/15 Border-Gavaskar Trophy in Melbourne, where he struggled with low scores of 3 and 1 in the two innings. Despite the team managing a draw, Rahul was feeling down and dejected with his personal performance.
In a candid talk show with Renil Abraham six years ago, Rahul opened up about how Anushka came to his rescue during that tough time. He expressed his gratitude towards her for going out of her way to support him. Rahul recalled Anushka visiting his room after the match in Melbourne and noticing his disappointment. She refused to let him wallow in his thoughts and instead, along with Virat Kohli, took him out to lift his spirits.
Rahul also shared how he often found himself as the third wheel on many of Kohli and Anushka’s dates. He mentioned how the couple shared stories of their own career setbacks, making him feel less alone in his struggles. Rahul credited them for being a powerful couple and having a positive influence on him.
The turning point for Rahul came in the next game, the fourth Test at Sydney, where he scored a brilliant 110 in the first innings. From there, his career took off, and he went on to represent India in 50 Tests, accumulating 2,863 runs.
During the talk show, Rahul expressed his appreciation for Anushka’s gesture, acknowledging that he didn’t expect her to understand his emotions so well. He mentioned that they still stay in touch and exchange messages, with Anushka often enquiring about his dog.
Fast forward to the present, Rahul is currently part of the India A side facing India B in the Duleep Trophy opener in Bengaluru. As he continues to excel on the cricket field, he remains grateful for the support and kindness shown to him by Anushka Sharma during a challenging time in his career.
The story of Rahul’s bond with Anushka and Kohli serves as a reminder of the power of compassion and friendship in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in life.