A tragic incident unfolded in Las Vegas last week when a man named Adrian Rodriguez-Guillen allegedly shot his ex-wife and killed her new girlfriend in a fit of jealousy. The heartbreaking event took place after his ex-wife made it clear that she was done with him.
Rodriguez-Guillen had previously made a chilling threat to his on-again, off-again couple, stating that he would “kill them and send them to hell.” This threat became a horrifying reality on January 3rd, when he blocked in his ex-wife’s girlfriend, Adriana Herrera, as she went to pick up his ex.
Using a neighbor’s truck to conceal his own vehicle, Rodriguez-Guillen ambushed the two women, preventing them from escaping. When Herrera attempted to drive away, he pursued and cut her off, brandishing a rifle. In a heartbreaking moment of confrontation, he shot Herrera multiple times, gravely injuring her.
As Herrera’s lover tried to shield her from further harm, Rodriguez-Guillen callously shot her in the face. He then turned the gun on himself, only to discover that one of the bullets had passed through Herrera and struck his ex-wife in the hip. In a moment of panic and regret, he called the authorities and confessed to the shooting.
Tragically, Herrera succumbed to her injuries at the scene, while Rodriguez-Guillen’s ex-wife was rushed to the hospital for treatment. She revealed to authorities that she had been in a tumultuous 24-year relationship with the accused, leading to a marriage in 2001 and a subsequent divorce 12 years later. Despite their split, they continued to live together and maintain a romantic relationship.
However, everything changed when Herrera entered the picture around 18 months ago, sparking a new relationship with Rodriguez-Guillen’s ex-wife. The accused, described as “very jealous and controlling,” did not take the breakup well and harbored resentment towards the new couple. His jealousy reached a boiling point when his ex-wife informed him of her plans to spend time with Herrera.
Rodriguez-Guillen’s actions led to his arrest and subsequent denial of bail. He faces charges of open murder with the use of a deadly weapon, attempted murder, kidnapping, burglary, and other offenses. His next court appearance is scheduled for February 19th.
The tragic loss of Adriana Herrera serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of jealousy and violence in relationships. May she rest in peace, and may justice be served for her and her loved ones.