HBO Films has announced that Jesse Armstrong, the creator of the hit series “Succession,” is set to work on a new project for the network. Teaming up with “Succession” executive producer Frank Rich, Armstrong is set to write an original movie that will focus on four friends coming together during a global financial crisis.
The seven-time Emmy winner is currently in the process of writing the script for the movie, with production expected to begin later this year. HBO Films has already started reaching out to actors to gauge their availability for the project.
This collaboration between Armstrong and Rich comes as no surprise, as both talents are under overall deals with HBO. The project is anticipated to bring a fresh and compelling storyline to audiences, building on the success of “Succession.”
Deadline was the first to report on this exciting new venture, and fans can expect more updates and details to come as the project progresses.
Stay tuned for more information on this upcoming HBO Films project from Jesse Armstrong and Frank Rich.