Actor Joel Kim Booster, the host of the upcoming “Love Hotel” dating show featuring “Real Housewives” on Peacock, recently issued an apology to Shannon Beador, a cast member of “Real Housewives of Orange County,” after making derogatory comments about her on social media.
In a now-deleted series of Instagram Stories, Booster referred to Beador as a “pathetic drunk” and accused her of mistreating the production staff. He wrote, “Just because you’re a pathetic drunk on a reality television show best known for a string of failed relationships and a DUI does not give you license to treat the people you work with like they are subhuman.”
Following the backlash, Booster took to his Instagram Story to express remorse for his actions. He acknowledged that an onset conflict had clouded his judgment and led him to make hurtful remarks. He admitted that his behavior was unacceptable and offered a sincere apology to Beador.
In his statement, Booster reflected on the situation and expressed regret for allowing his negative emotions to dictate his actions. He recognized Beador’s struggles and admitted that he should have shown more compassion towards her during the incident. Booster emphasized that he is deeply sorry for the impact his words had on Beador and expressed a desire for her to find strength and love in her life.
During a fan Q&A event, Beador expressed confusion over Booster’s comments and mentioned that he had shown kindness towards her throughout the filming of “Love Hotel.” She shared that Booster had even expressed happiness for her at the show’s wrap party, despite his earlier remarks.
Booster reiterated his apology and expressed regret for complicating Beador’s journey towards stability. He acknowledged the hard work put into the show by himself, the cast, and the crew, and expressed pride in their collective efforts.
Overall, the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding in all interactions. Booster’s apology highlights the power of acknowledging mistakes and seeking forgiveness, ultimately fostering growth and healing for all involved.