Kieran Culkin, known for his roles in “A Real Pain” and “Succession,” recently made a surprising confession in an interview with The Guardian. The actor revealed that during a stage production in 2000, he played a prank by swapping a prop joint with one that was spiked with real marijuana. Culkin, who was only 17 at the time, admitted that it was a foolish decision on his part.
The stage production in question was Playwright Horizons’ presentation of James Lapine’s play “The Moment When,” where Culkin starred alongside Mark Ruffalo and other actors. The prank took an unexpected turn when Ruffalo, who hadn’t smoked pot in years, found out about the switch and embraced the experience, along with other cast members who were new to the sensation.
However, the mischief didn’t go unnoticed, as the stage manager intervened and demanded the joint from Culkin. Reflecting on the incident, Culkin acknowledged his youthful indiscretion and expressed regret for his actions. He humorously recounted how the stage manager scolded him for his behavior but ultimately let the matter slide.
Interestingly, Ruffalo had hinted at the incident in a previous appearance on The Graham Norton Show, without revealing Culkin’s involvement. The actor shared a humorous anecdote about smoking a joint on stage during a play, which garnered rave reviews but made him swear off such antics in the future.
Currently, Culkin is busy promoting his latest project, “A Real Pain,” a road comedy directed by Jesse Eisenberg. The actor has received critical acclaim for his performance and has been nominated for a Golden Globe in the supporting actor category for his role in the film.
As Culkin reflects on his past antics and embraces his more mature perspective, it’s clear that the actor has come a long way since his days of pulling pranks on stage. With a successful career and promising projects on the horizon, Culkin continues to captivate audiences with his talent and versatility in the entertainment industry.