The late-night shows on Thursday focused on the devastating Los Angeles fires and President Trump’s strange response to them. “Daily Show” host Desi Lydic played a clip of Trump talking about smelt and spreading a debunked conspiracy theory about California’s water supply. Trump claimed that water was being sent to the Pacific Ocean to protect a fish called the smelt, leaving California without water.
Lydic humorously rebutted Trump’s claims by pointing out that the L.A. fires have nothing to do with smelt and jokingly mentioned that climate change has more syllables than smelt. Seth Meyers also addressed Trump’s wildfire conspiracy theories on “Late Night,” mocking a Truth Social post where Trump blamed Governor Gavin Newsom for the lack of water for firefighting efforts.
Meyers sarcastically commented on Trump’s belief in a nonexistent Water Restoration Declaration and highlighted a MSNBC segment debunking the document’s existence. He humorously remarked on Trump’s lack of expertise, referring to Trump’s statement that rain is water from heaven. The late-night segments provided a satirical take on Trump’s bizarre response to the Los Angeles fires and highlighted the misinformation being spread.