Mandy Moore, the beloved actress and singer, recently faced a devastating loss due to the L.A. fires. In a heartfelt Instagram post, she shared a GoFundMe page for her in-laws, Griff and Kit, whose home was tragically destroyed in the Eaton Fire. With a baby on the way, the couple is in urgent need of support. The initial goal of $60,000 has been surpassed, with the campaign raising over $176,000 and still growing.
Despite her efforts to help her family, Moore faced criticism from some who questioned why she didn’t just donate her own money. Responding to the backlash, she emphasized that they are indeed supporting their family and friends, and that sharing the GoFundMe page was a way for others to help if they so wished.
The fires also affected Moore’s own home, with significant damage to the property’s studios, garage, and guest house. Many other celebrities, including Billy Crystal, Miles Teller, Paris Hilton, and Jeff Bridges, also lost their properties in the fires. Moore’s co-star from “This Is Us,” Milo Ventimiglia, expressed the emotional toll of the loss, reflecting on the memories and connections tied to their homes.
For those looking to assist the victims of the L.A. fires in the Altadena area, where Moore resides, a community relief page has been set up to provide support. The devastation caused by the fires has brought communities together in solidarity, showcasing the resilience and compassion of those affected.
As the recovery process begins, Moore’s message of unity and support shines through, reminding us of the importance of coming together in times of crisis. The generosity and kindness shown in response to the fires serve as a beacon of hope in the face of tragedy.