French artist Youri Cansell, known as Mantra, is making waves in the art world with his stunning insect murals that adorn neighborhoods and cities around the globe. With a deep-rooted fascination for nature and its conservation, Mantra creates breathtaking specimen cases on the facades of buildings, showcasing a plethora of vibrant butterflies.
One of his most recent masterpieces is the largest mural he has ever completed, situated on the rooftop of the Southeast Financial Center building in Miami. This monumental artwork features a diverse array of colorful butterflies, including the endangered Miami blue butterfly that is native to South Florida. Nestled among the building’s utility systems, the butterflies in the mural symbolize the diverse mix of people and cultures that thrive in Miami.
Mantra’s work doesn’t stop in Miami; he has also left his mark on cities like Brooklyn and Houston with his giant glass-fronted display and towering compositions that captivate passersby. Each mural tells a unique story of nature’s beauty and the importance of preserving it for future generations to enjoy.
To see more of Mantra’s incredible artwork, visit his website and follow him on Instagram. From the bustling streets of New York to the serene landscapes of Switzerland, Mantra’s insect murals continue to inspire awe and wonder in all who encounter them. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the magic of Mantra’s artistry firsthand.