The highly-anticipated Michael Jackson biopic, titled “Michael,” is facing major production delays due to a dangerous script that references Jordan Chandler, one of Jackson’s accusers. Director Antoine Fuqua had already completed filming the movie when it was announced that the release date would be pushed back by 6 months to November 2025. The reason for the delay is the need to rewrite a significant portion of the script related to Chandler, as reported by Puck.
The storyline of “Michael” revolves around the accusation made by Chandler, who alleged that Jackson had molested him when he was 13 years old. The film aims to portray Jackson as innocent, but the real-life settlement between Jackson and Chandler’s family in 1993 prohibits any dramatization of their story. This crucial detail was overlooked by the producers until last fall, after filming had been completed.
As a result, key scenes in the movie will need to be scrapped, and the script will have to be overhauled. The cast will also have to return for reshoots to accommodate the changes. The production team now faces the challenge of rectifying this oversight on a $150 million budget movie, making it a costly mistake.
Interestingly, the original script of “Michael” includes scenes depicting Jackson and his lawyers discussing the settlement with the Chandler family. Miles Teller portrays Jackson’s longtime business attorney John Branca, while Derek Luke plays Johnnie Cochran, who defended Jackson in the Chandler case. Despite these scenes, the production team failed to adhere to the terms of the settlement, leading to the current predicament.
In conclusion, the Michael Jackson biopic faces significant hurdles due to the oversight regarding the Chandler settlement. The need for script revisions and reshoots will delay the movie’s release and add unexpected costs to the production. It serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of thorough research and attention to detail in filmmaking.