Madisyn Shipman, the former child star best known for her role in Nickelodeon’s “Game Shakers,” is making headlines with a stunning New Year’s Eve video that showcases her in a whole new light. The video, directed by Chris Applebaum, features Madisyn in a black 2-piece outfit with a pearl cutout overlay, as she celebrates the arrival of the new year. Sporting a “Happy New Year” headband and a fur coat, Madisyn exudes a grown-up and glamorous vibe that is a far cry from her days on Nickelodeon.
In the video, Madisyn looks absolutely breathtaking with her golden blonde locks and toned physique, showcasing a remarkable transformation from her teen years. The actress’s sultry shoot takes a daring turn as she douses herself in Champagne, creating a visually stunning and captivating moment that is sure to leave viewers in awe.
While some may be surprised by Madisyn’s bold new look, the 22-year-old starlet has been embracing more mature and provocative projects in recent years. In addition to venturing into music after leaving Nickelodeon, Madisyn also joined the Playboy Creator Platform in 2023, a platform that allows creators to publish and monetize their NSFW content, akin to an OnlyFans for the Playboy brand.
With her latest video making waves, it’s clear that Madisyn is unapologetically embracing her sexuality and showcasing her evolution as an artist. As we head into 2025, all eyes will undoubtedly be on Madisyn Shipman as she continues to push boundaries and redefine herself in the entertainment industry.