A tragic incident unfolded in the Bronx over the weekend as a 31-year-old woman, Karlene Payne, fatally stabbed her boyfriend, Joshua Johnson, during a heated argument in their apartment. The violent altercation took place on Lincoln Avenue near Bruckner Boulevard in Mott Haven around 4:15 a.m. on Sunday. According to police reports, Payne stabbed Johnson in the leg, causing a severe wound that eventually led to his death after he was rushed to Lincoln Medical Center.
Prior to the fatal violence, the couple had friends over at their apartment, but tensions escalated once their guests left. Assistant District Attorney Zaid Abdullah revealed in court that Payne, a medical worker, committed a grave error by pulling the knife out of Johnson’s leg, exacerbating his condition despite her medical background.
In a shocking turn of events, Payne initially misled authorities by fabricating a story that Johnson had been drunk and accidentally stumbled into a kitchen cabinet, resulting in the fatal injury. She even went as far as to hide the murder weapon in the dishwasher while on the phone with 911. However, hours later, she confessed to her heinous act but attempted to shift blame onto the victim, stating that she was not initially truthful because she feared repercussions for both of them.
As a result of her actions, Payne now faces charges of murder, manslaughter, and criminal possession of a weapon. During her arraignment, Abdullah urged the judge to deny her bail, a request that was granted by Judge Eugene Bowen. Payne is set to appear in court again on Thursday to face the serious charges brought against her.
The tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of domestic violence and the importance of seeking help and support in volatile situations. Our thoughts go out to the family and friends of Joshua Johnson during this difficult time.