A notorious robbery crew has been wreaking havoc across New York City, targeting 49 storefronts and making off with ATMs filled with tens of thousands of dollars in cash. Over a three-month period spanning from September 19 to December 26, the trio of thieves struck in upper Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens, employing stolen cars as getaway vehicles for each heist.
Inside the targeted stores, the perpetrators ransacked ATMs and other valuable items before fleeing the scene in different vehicles. Surveillance footage from a robbery on December 23 captured two of the suspects tampering with an ATM inside a grocery store in Jackson Heights, Queens. The brazen criminals were seen removing wires from the machine in the early hours of the morning, adding to their string of successful robberies.
During two incidents in September, the group managed to steal nearly $40,000 in cash from ATMs, although the total amount pilfered from all the machines remains undisclosed. Despite the extensive crime spree, law enforcement authorities have yet to apprehend any of the suspects involved. The NYPD is urging the public to come forward with any information that may lead to the identification and arrest of the perpetrators.
Individuals with relevant tips or details regarding the citywide robbery pattern are encouraged to contact the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or 1-888-57-PISTA (74782) for Spanish speakers. Alternatively, tips can be submitted online through the Crime Stoppers website or via the @NYPDTips app. The community’s cooperation and vigilance are vital in bringing these criminals to justice and putting an end to their criminal activities.