Twin brothers Gustavo and Otavio Pandolfo, known as OSGEMEOS, have created a fascinating universe called Tritrez that has captivated audiences around the world. The mystical world of Tritrez is inhabited by yellow figures with unique characteristics, promoting strange yet friendly behavior.
The brothers’ deep connection to the color yellow stems from their childhood in São Paulo, where the sun would shine through the windows of their mother’s house, casting a yellow glow in their studio. This color became a symbol of mysticism, peace, and harmony for them, inspiring their creative journey.
OSGEMEOS’ upcoming exhibition at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C., titled “Endless Story,” will showcase their largest collection of works in the U.S. to date. The exhibition features a diverse range of pieces, including paintings, sculptures, photos, and archival objects that trace the brothers’ creative evolution.
One of the central themes in OSGEMEOS’ work is the influence of hip-hop and breakdancing, which is prominently featured in their art. The exhibition will include a sprawling installation titled “Untitled (92 Speakers)” where yellow and brown faces emerge from boxy speakers, reflecting the artists’ interest in music and its cultural impact.
In addition to their musical influences, OSGEMEOS’ work also delves into sci-fi and supernatural realms, as seen in pieces like “Tritez” and “The Abductee.” These artworks transport viewers to a fantastical world where blue patchwork whales fly through the sky and colorful figures engage in mysterious activities.
“Tritrez is our soul. It’s our parallel world that we believe lives inside of us,” the brothers explain. This deeply personal connection to their art is evident in every piece they create, inviting viewers to explore their own inner worlds and embrace the magic within.
The exhibition will run from September 29, 2024, to August 3, 2025, offering visitors a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the whimsical world of OSGEMEOS. Don’t miss this chance to experience the vibrant creativity of these talented artists and discover the hidden treasures of Tritrez. The installation view of ‘OSGEMEOS: Endless Story’ captured by Rick Coulby showcases a stunning collection of drawings, paintings, and figurative sculptures in vibrant shades of yellow. The artwork exudes a sense of whimsy and creativity, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the colorful world created by the Brazilian artist duo.
Each piece in the display case tells a story, drawing viewers into a fantastical realm where imagination knows no bounds. The intricate details and playful characters bring the artwork to life, sparking joy and wonder in those who gaze upon it.
The use of yellow as the dominant color in the exhibition adds a sense of unity and cohesion to the collection. It creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, evoking feelings of happiness and positivity.
As viewers explore the installation, they are transported to a world where anything is possible. The artistry and craftsmanship of OSGEMEOS shine through in each piece, showcasing their unique style and creative vision.
Overall, the installation view of ‘OSGEMEOS: Endless Story’ is a testament to the power of art to inspire, uplift, and transport us to new and exciting worlds. It is a celebration of creativity and imagination, inviting viewers to experience the magic of OSGEMEOS’ work in a captivating and immersive way.