Pepe, the film, is a complex and multifaceted exploration of a real-life Colombian hippopotamus’s life and experiences. Directed by Nelson Carlo De Los Santos Arias, the film delves into themes of language, colonialism, gender politics, folk mysticism, and existentialism, all through the lens of Pepe’s unique perspective.
The story of Pepe begins with his parents in 1979 Südwestafrika (now Namibia) and follows his life until his tragic murder in 2009. Born in captivity and later exiled from his herd, Pepe gains the ability to speak multiple languages and reflect on his existence as a hippopotamus. Through Pepe’s narration, the film explores the concept of subjectivity and agency, highlighting the struggles of identity and belonging in a postcolonial world.
The film’s cinematography and sound design are breathtaking, capturing the beauty of the Magdalena River and the surrounding landscapes. However, a critical flaw in the film is the shift in focus from Pepe to a human couple, introducing a subplot that detracts from Pepe’s introspective journey. While the film attempts to blend magical realism with human melodrama, it loses some of its potency by deviating from Pepe’s unique perspective.
De Los Santos Arias, a Dominican filmmaker, infuses the film with political intentionality and poetic sensibility, challenging traditional narratives and perspectives in cinema. Through Pepe’s story, the film addresses issues of cultural exclusion and environmental conservation, drawing parallels between Pepe’s struggle for survival and the broader ecological risks posed by the growing hippo population.
Ultimately, Pepe is a thought-provoking and visually stunning film that pushes the boundaries of storytelling and representation. By giving voice to a hippopotamus and exploring complex themes through his experiences, the film invites viewers to reflect on their own identities and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Hippos, with a global population of roughly 130,000, are considered a vulnerable species. Despite their status, these majestic creatures often go unnoticed by humans who are too caught up in their own narratives. The beauty of hippos, as seen in the film Pepe, is truly captivating. In the movie, Jorge Puntillón García portrays the essence of these creatures in a mesmerizing way.
Pepe is a film that showcases the beauty and grace of hippos, shedding light on their importance in the ecosystem. The film is currently available to stream on Mubi, allowing viewers to witness the splendor of these creatures in their natural habitat.
It is crucial to raise awareness about the vulnerability of hippos and the need to protect their population. Conservation efforts are essential to ensure the survival of these incredible animals for future generations to admire and appreciate.
By highlighting the beauty and significance of hippos, we can inspire others to take action and support conservation initiatives. Let’s join hands in protecting these magnificent creatures and preserving their natural habitat for years to come.